This Would Have Changed Everything...
In a thought-provoking exploration of Star Wars lore, Star Wars Theory delves into the intriguing concept of Order 65, a contingency plan within the Republic's legal framework. This order had the potential to authorize the removal of the Supreme Commander, specifically Chancellor Palpatine, if deemed unfit or treasonous by the Senate. The video considers the impact this could have had on the galaxy's destiny during the pivotal events of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
The discussion suggests that if Order 65 had been initiated, the Jedi might have had a unique opportunity to overthrow Palpatine by revealing his manipulation and his hidden identity as Darth Sidious. This revelation could have united the Republic's forces, including the clone troopers, against Palpatine. The execution of Order 65 might have spared the Jedi Order from annihilation and could have averted the rise of the Empire.
The implications of such a scenario are vast, as it would have allowed Anakin Skywalker to fulfill his role as the Chosen One without descending into the dark side. The preservation of the Jedi would have provided a more robust and unified resistance against Sith influence, significantly altering the balance of power across the galaxy. The survival of the Jedi Order, along with a potential downfall of Darth Sidious, could have maintained hope and peace for generations to come.
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